May 10, 2018
Mini Bob Simmons Resin Tints
Here are some designs I put together for the Mini Bob Simmons board. I really liked the way the blunt nose longboard came out so am thinking of doing something similar. I typically see these boards done clear or with a solid one color tint, so I want to try something different. I also wanted to give the board an appearance of being wider and shorter than it really is, that is why I did horizontal lines. Any preferences???
October 14, 2009
Shaping All Done
Well... I am pretty excited moving on to glassing the board and getting it in the water. After doing a lot of research at my local surf shop, I think the board came out exactly the way I wanted it to. I am pretty lucky to be close to a shop (Icons of Surf) that carry a wide variety of boards, including retro boards that I can spec out.
Just need to sand the fins and do the resin work. I have some ideas on the resin tints I want to place on it. I'll post it in the next few days to get everyone's opinion.
Building a Surfboard
Mini Bob Simmons Fins
So with the fins all shaped, now ready to start glassing it. These fins were for the ShortSider board, but it's now going on the Simmons board. This was placed on hold for a while as I was trying to finish up the Blunt Nose Longboard. But here we go. Hope this turns out. Never done this before.
Top side all done. I took the fiberglass fin rope and drenched it in resin, then wrapped it around the fins. Then took some 8oz cloth that I pre-cut and placed that over it. Resined that into place. I did notice that after I was done, that there were some bubbles in the fin rope. Oh well. I think I should of spent more time working the resin into the strands of the rope.
After the top was hard, I pealed them up and glassed the underside. I put quite a bit of catalyst in the resin to make it kick pretty hot. Didn't want to wait too long. I forgot to mention that I used wax paper under the fins. This made it really easy to peal up. So with them all glassed, I need to sand and cut the bottoms to get the height I want for the fins.
Building a Surfboard
March 02, 2009
Mini Bob Simmons Project
I just started the Mini Bob Simmon board. I was originally going to do the ShortSider, but went with the Simmons instead. So here is the beginnings of it. Hopefully it will come out the way I want it to :-) You can see more photos and the progress at "thtp://www.boardside.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13".
Building a Surfboard
February 27, 2009
BoardSide Surfboard Forum!
So I have been working on getting a forum or message board in place because this blog doesn't really have the capability I need to effectively communicate with all you Surfcraft Enthusiasts. Well, it's finally done. Hoping you guys will embrace this. I'll do my best to answer any questions.
Also, if any of you guys are interested in helping me moderate this forum, create an account and email me. Your help would be great.
Post away!! http://boardside.com/forum/